Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Days 22-24 - Just Coming Home

Nothing really to report. We are just traveling the interstate coming home. As I write this, we are in Russellville, AR and will be in Holly Springs this afternoon. It is Tuesday, July 8, and we have been gone since Father's Day. I believe it is the longest vacation that Jimmy and I have ever taken at one time. On one hand - I'll be glad to be home. On the other - those cooler temperatures in Montana were really nice.

But, the kitties are ready to settle and not be 'on the road' so much. Peaches has done really well. She only had to have a pill the first day. When we start closing the RV up to head out, we put one of my Grandmother's old quilts on the sofa. As soon as Peaches sees the quilt, she is on the sofa, in the corner, curled up and ready to travel. She hasn't been sick one time. Bear, on the other hand, is constant motion. He is on the dashboard, then on my lap, then laying down between the seats in the front, then under the table, and then back to the front to start all over. He never gets sick - well, unless Peaches throws up in front of him and then he works up some sympathy sickness!!!!

All in all, a great trip.

Hope you have enjoyed the blog as much as I have enjoyed blogging (if there is such a word).


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