Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Montgomery, AL trip - catching up

I've got a little catching up to do. On August 8, we traveled to Montgomery, AL, to help Travis move into his apartment. The cats enjoyed the new RV park that we found, and Jimmy and I worked ourselves to the bone helping Travis get unpacked, get things that were moved purged so that he wasn't having to keep up with stuff he didn't need, and getting the empty boxes to the trash. Montgomery has a really good process where they set up garbage trucks around the city on Saturdays to accept trash - including big things like refrigerators, sofas, and other such items. We only had empty boxes and boxes full of trash.

Anyway, we got that done and headed home only to suffer the roughest trip we have ever experienced once we got on highway 78 (the four lane part). When we got to Holly Springs, we both decided that the rear air bags were either not fully inflating or were not inflating at all. So, off Jimmy and the RV go to Memphis to the Spartan maintenance place. Sure enough, the rear air bags were not properly inflating - so we were riding on that fairly bumpy highway without the benefit of the air bags.

According to the Spartan guy, there was a problem with a valve. When they got the valve in and replaced it, the new valve also broke. Wound up that there was a maintenance kit that Spartan had put out for a misalignment problem that that chassis had. It was about 2 inches out of alignment. We got it back the Friday before Labor Day and it now drives like new.

The next post will bring you up to date on the trip we are currently on.

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